Mrs. Frazier's English Language Arts Class

Friday, February 29, 2008

Week of March 3, 2008

Writers, I know that we been working through another tough unit, the essay. However, I am so proud of the effort that you have been putting forth. It has been showing for awhile. The big payoff is coming soon! You should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This week, we will be typing, revising, and editing the essays.

Note: Next Monday (March 10) is Literacy/Science Fair Night. So, plan to come out, enjoy, and share your pride with others, while they read your essays. This will be a fun-filled night that no one will want to miss!

Monday, March 3rd
1. Bell work~Do you know when Literacy/Science Fair night is? If so, when? What is it all about/what is going to take place?
2. Writers will be in the computer lab typing the rough draft of the essay.
Homework~Any missing essay writing assignments

Tuesday, March 4th
Bell work~ Word puzzle & What would you say makes an effective essay?
1. Mini-lesson~ “Building a Cohesive Draft”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
3. Partner Sharing~Read your writings and discuss the best way to organize your essay.
4. Wrap up
Homework~Any missing essay writing assignments

Wednesday, March 5th
1. Bell work~How much of your essay have you typed? (1/4 , ½, ¾, or all of it)
2. Writers will be in the computer lab typing their essays.

Thursday, March 6th
Bell work~Would you like to and are you available to help set things up for Literacy/Science Fair night after school tomorrow?
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~”Stepping Into Literature”
2. Quiet writing~
a. Writers will write a short paragraph explaining their answers to the following questions:
i. If you could walk in your favorite literary character's shoes, whose would those belong to?
ii. What struggles would you face?
iii. What accomplishments?
iv. Where would the shoes take you?
b. Writers will choose a background (colored sheet), cut out their shoe, and glue their paragraph onto the background.
3. Partner Sharing~Writers will read their paragraphs to each other. Then, volunteers will share their writing with the class.
Wrap up~Clean up and remind students to bring their library books tomorrow.
Homework~Any missing essay writing assignments

Friday, March 7th
1. Bell work~Word puzzle & Are you planning on staying after school today (Friday) to help set things up for Literacy/Science Fair night?
2. We will be going to the library.
3. Students will first take care of their book exchange.
4. Then, continue and finish typing their final draft of the essay.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week of February 25, 2008

Monday, February 25th
NO SCHOOL TODAY! (Mid-Winter Break)

Tuesday, February 26th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle & How many outside sources (of information) did you gather? Where did you get them from?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Organizing For Drafting"
3. Quiet Writing/Partner Share Time~Read through your folder (mini-stories and outside information), ask yourself the "Questions to ask of of Writing Before Drafting": 1) Does each bit of material develop the idea? 2) Is each bit based on different information? 3) Does the material, in total, provide the right amount and right kind of support? Then, begin filling in the essay graphic organizer. Lastly, decide what you need to do next, revise topic sentences, write stories, or gather information.
4. Share Time~Read through your graphic organizer with a partner.
5. Wrap Up

Wednesday, February 27th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle & Did you complete your essay graphic organizer? If not, why?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Building a Cohesive Draft"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Thursday, February 28th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle
2. Mini-Lesson~"Writing Introductions & Conclusions"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Friday, February 29th
Students will be going to the computer lab to begin typing their essays.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week of February 18, 2008

Monday, February 18th
1. Bell Work~Word puzzle & define parallel.
2. Mini-Lesson~"Composing Mini-Stories"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Tuesday, February 19th

1. Bell Work~How many mini-stories do you have written?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Creating Parallelism Lists"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Wednesday & Thursday, February 20th & 21st

1. Bell Work~Word puzzle

2. Mini-Lesson~"Revising Toward Honesty"

3. Quiet Writing

4. Share Time

5. Wrap Up

Friday, February 22nd

We will be going to the library today. Students will exchange their books, take Accelerated Reader tests, and gather outside source information.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Week of February 11, 2008

Monday, February 11th

Tuesday, February 12th
We will go to the library for our book exchange and Accelerated Reader testing. Then, students will finish their projects.

Wednesday and Thursday, February 13th & 14th
Students will be presenting their "Decisions That Affect Society" projects. If we finish early, students will then read silently for the rest of the class.

Friday, February 15th
Writers will begin choosing outside sources and composing mini-stories to support their essays.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Week of February 4, 2008

Monday, February 4th
1. Bell Work~What is the purpose of the frame of a house? What do builders and writers have in common?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Composing and Sorting Mini-Stories"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Tuesday, February 5th
1. Bell Work~How many mini-stories do you have written?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Composing Mini-Stories"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Wednesday, February 6th
Focus: How do the decisions that one makes affect society?
1. Read and listen to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.
2. Discuss project options

Thursday, February 7th
1. Go to the computer lab
2. Begin creating a project that will demonstrate and answer our focus question (How do the decisions that one makes affect society?). All projects will be present next week. Project options are: Skit, letter or diary entry, PowerPoint slide show, or artwork, such as, a collage, mosaic, or drawing.

Friday, February 8th