Mrs. Frazier's English Language Arts Class

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week of February 25, 2008

Monday, February 25th
NO SCHOOL TODAY! (Mid-Winter Break)

Tuesday, February 26th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle & How many outside sources (of information) did you gather? Where did you get them from?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Organizing For Drafting"
3. Quiet Writing/Partner Share Time~Read through your folder (mini-stories and outside information), ask yourself the "Questions to ask of of Writing Before Drafting": 1) Does each bit of material develop the idea? 2) Is each bit based on different information? 3) Does the material, in total, provide the right amount and right kind of support? Then, begin filling in the essay graphic organizer. Lastly, decide what you need to do next, revise topic sentences, write stories, or gather information.
4. Share Time~Read through your graphic organizer with a partner.
5. Wrap Up

Wednesday, February 27th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle & Did you complete your essay graphic organizer? If not, why?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Building a Cohesive Draft"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Thursday, February 28th
1. Bell Work~Word Puzzle
2. Mini-Lesson~"Writing Introductions & Conclusions"
3. Quiet Writing
4. Share Time
5. Wrap Up

Friday, February 29th
Students will be going to the computer lab to begin typing their essays.


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