Mrs. Frazier's English Language Arts Class

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week of October 29, 2007
Everyone seemed to have enjoyed "The Landlady" by Roald Dohl last Friday. Well, this week we are going to continue working with that story. Students will be writing and role-playing their own ending to the story.

Monday, October 29
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Would you be nervous to interview the landlady? Why or why not?
1. Lesson~ Creating a story ending
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Role-play
3. Quiet writing (Rally Robin format) and partner discussion
4. Wrap up~
Homework~ 1) Finish writing script 2) Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Tuesday, October 30
1. Bell work~ Word Puzzle & How long is your “Landlady” script?
2. Students will be typing their scripts today in the computer lab.
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Wednesday, October 31
1. Bell work~Word Puzzle & Are you using any props for your role-play?
2. Students (in pairs) will begin presenting their “Landlady” script
a. Extra credit will be given for props/costumes

Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Thursday, November 1
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What are you going to do with your free time tomorrow?
1. There will be a quiz over "The Landlady" story today! :)

2. Students (in pairs) will continue presenting their “Landlady” scripts

Homework: Reading Log due today!

Friday, November 2
NO SCHOOL for students
Enjoy your long weekend!

Teacher Professional Development Day
Week of October 29, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

Week of October 22, 2007

Monday, October 22
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What does it mean to “proofread” your work?
1. Lesson~ Review editing symbols
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Discuss first personal narrative/revising/editing
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Read aloud with writing partner
4. Wrap up~ Self-reflection
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Tuesday, October 23
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What is dialogue?
1. Lesson~ Punctuation
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Dialogue & Punctuation
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~
4. Partner Sharing~
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ 1) Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log 2) Complete Punctuation sheet

Wednesday, October 24
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Punctuation (dialogue) sentence.
1. Lesson~ Review dialogue
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Discuss dialogue examples
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~
4. Partner Sharing~
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Thursday, October 25
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What is an idiom?
1. Lesson~ Review Idioms
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~
4. Partner Sharing~
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Friday, October 26
Bell work~ Word puzzle & What is a boardinghouse?
1. Lesson~ Read “The Landlady” on pages 171-179.
2. Fill in house diagram while reading.
3. Share items written in house with class.
4. Wrap up~

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week of October 15, 2007

Monday, October 15
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What do you need to do to earn full credit on your bell work?
1. Lesson~ Review expectations
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Reflect on grade and set goals.
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~
a. The grade I earned 1st marking period was ______________.
b. My goal for this marking period is to earn a ___________.
c. I am going to accomplish this by __________________________.
d. My writing partner choices are 1-_______________ 2-_______________.
e. A personal narrative idea I have is ____________________. –OR- I would like to
continue working on my story from 1st marking period.
4. Partner Sharing~
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Tuesday, Tuesday, October 16
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What is an idiom? (Ex. Cat got your tongue)
1. Lesson~ Idioms
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Students will create an idiom flipbook.
4. Partner Sharing~
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ 1) Idiom worksheet 2) Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Wednesday, October 17 Conferences are from 5-8 pm tonight.
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Are you parents going to attend conferences?
1. Lesson~ Review Idioms
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Share idiom flipbooks
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Create an idiom picture.
4. Share idiom picture with the class.
5. Wrap up~
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Thursday, October 18 Conferences are from 12 -3 at MMS, 5-8 at Mt. Zion.
MEAP TESTING- 1/2 Day for students
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Friday, October 19
Bell work~ Word puzzle & Do you have your reading log?
1. Lesson~ Review idioms
2. Go to the library for a book exchange.
3. Complete Idiom flipbook.
4. Silent reading
5. Wrap up~

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Week of October 8, 2007

MEAP testing will begin this week! Students, you will need to be well rested and arrive at school on time. There will be an ipod drawing for the students who complete the entire MEAP test. Good luck to you all! I know that each and every one of you will do a great job and try your very best on the tests.

Monday, October 8
Bell work~ What do you like most about this class? What do you dislike most about this class?
1. Students will be typing their personal narratives.
2. Partner Sharing
3. Wrap up
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Bell work~ Word Puzzle & How do you feel about homework in this class?
1. Students will type their personal narratives.
2. Partner Sharing
3. Wrap up
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Wednesday, October 10 MEAP TEST
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What are your top 2 or 3 goals in life?
1. Students will type their personal narratives.
2. Partner Sharing
3. Wrap up
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Thursday, October 11 MEAP TEST
Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Students will finish typing their personal narrative.
2. Partner Sharing
3. Wrap up
Homework~ Read for 30 minutes and write in reading log

Friday, October 12 (1/2 Day for students)
Today school ends at 10:35 am so that teachers may enter grades for the first marking period.

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Parts of Speech
2. Students will utilize the round robin format to complete a madlib.
3. One reporter will read the crazy madlib to the class.
5. Wrap up~

Monday, October 01, 2007

Week of October 1, 2007

Monday, October 1
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & What is your "seed idea"?
1. Lesson~ Review choosing a seed idea
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Drafting
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Write a complete draft of your seed idea story
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry. 2) Complete first draft of seed idea story.

Tuesday, October 2
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Did you have a complete draft of your "seed idea" story? If not, why?
1. Lesson~ Review editing symbols
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Edit a sample draft
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Edit your own draft
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~ What will you do tonight in your writing?
Homework~ 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log 2) Write second draft: Rewrite your edited story and make corrections.

Wednesday, October 3
Bell work~ Word puzzle & Do you have a completely edited copy of your story? If not, why?
1. Lesson~
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Evaluation Criteria for Personal Narratives
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Students will write and edit their stories.
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up
Homework~ 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log 2) Continue writing/editing your personal narrative story

Thursday, October 4
Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Students will continue writing their stories: rough draft, peer editing, and revising.
3. Wrap up~ What will you do tonight with your writing?
Homework~ 1) Read for 30 minutes 2) Finish your personal narrative story

Friday, October 5
Today we will be going to the library. Each student will check out one book, which is to be read and documented each night (Monday-Thursday).
Due today: 1) Reading log and personal narrative
2) All missing assignments

Bell work~ What are the expections for the hallways and library behavior?
1. Lesson~ Complete grading rubric
2. Students will be typing their stories
3. Wrap up

Note: Next week the MEAP testing will begin.