Week of January 28, 2008
This is the beginning of the second half of the year (4th marking period). Writers you have done a GREAT JOB with the first third of our essay unit! We will be continuing that work this marking period. I know that we are going to have some AWESOME essays to share. Keep up the good and hard work! You can and will be proud of the results in the end. :)
Monday, January 28th
1. Bell Work~ Look over your notebook evaluation. Are you happy with your grade? Why? If not, what are you going to do differently this marking period?
2. Go to the library.
3. Mini-Lesson~"Checking Thesis Statements"
4. Book exchange
5. Students will take an Accelerated Reader test for the book(s) they have finished reading.
6. Students will work with a partner to complete the checking thesis statements handout.
7. Silent reading when done.
Tuesday, January 29th
1. Bell Work~Check your thesis statement by asking yourself the questions that writers ask of theses. Is your thesis statement a good one? Explain why or why not?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Boxes and Bullets: Framing Essays," Part 1
3. Quiet Writing~Write your thesis statement in a box. Then, write at least three bullets of supporting ideas (reasons for your claim & kinds to support your claim).
4. Share Time~Consider revising if you are having a hard time supporting your current thesis.
5. Wrap Up
Homework~Checking Thesis and Support Alignment sheet
Wednesday, January 30th
Thursday, January 31st
1. Bell Work~Reread your boxes and bullets. Does your support go with the thesis statement that you have written?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Boxes and Bullets," Part 2
3. Quiet Writing~Choose at least two other ways to angle your essay and write the supporting ideas to go with it (parts, places, ways, or times).
4. Share Time~Writers will share their thesis statement and supporting sentences.
5. Wrap Up
Homework~Supporting Thesis in Various Ways sheet
Friday, February 1st
This is the beginning of the second half of the year (4th marking period). Writers you have done a GREAT JOB with the first third of our essay unit! We will be continuing that work this marking period. I know that we are going to have some AWESOME essays to share. Keep up the good and hard work! You can and will be proud of the results in the end. :)
Monday, January 28th
1. Bell Work~ Look over your notebook evaluation. Are you happy with your grade? Why? If not, what are you going to do differently this marking period?
2. Go to the library.
3. Mini-Lesson~"Checking Thesis Statements"
4. Book exchange
5. Students will take an Accelerated Reader test for the book(s) they have finished reading.
6. Students will work with a partner to complete the checking thesis statements handout.
7. Silent reading when done.
Tuesday, January 29th
1. Bell Work~Check your thesis statement by asking yourself the questions that writers ask of theses. Is your thesis statement a good one? Explain why or why not?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Boxes and Bullets: Framing Essays," Part 1
3. Quiet Writing~Write your thesis statement in a box. Then, write at least three bullets of supporting ideas (reasons for your claim & kinds to support your claim).
4. Share Time~Consider revising if you are having a hard time supporting your current thesis.
5. Wrap Up
Homework~Checking Thesis and Support Alignment sheet
Wednesday, January 30th
Thursday, January 31st
1. Bell Work~Reread your boxes and bullets. Does your support go with the thesis statement that you have written?
2. Mini-Lesson~"Boxes and Bullets," Part 2
3. Quiet Writing~Choose at least two other ways to angle your essay and write the supporting ideas to go with it (parts, places, ways, or times).
4. Share Time~Writers will share their thesis statement and supporting sentences.
5. Wrap Up
Homework~Supporting Thesis in Various Ways sheet
Friday, February 1st