Week of April 21, 2008
Monday, April 21st
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Which character in our short stories can you relate to most? Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ “Developing Provocative Ideas, Part 2”
a. Writers will make personal connections with the text by answering the questions: What is important about this story? What does this story say about the world? My life? How does this story intersect with my life? How would I change myself if I took this story seriously?
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Write an entry answering the above questions
3. Partner Sharing~ Read and discuss (using the book talk format) the entries
4. Wrap up
Homework~ Learning From Characters
Tuesday, April 22nd
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & How hard or easy has it been to do your English homework lately? Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Continuation of “Developing Provocative Ideas, Part 2”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Choose a different story to write an entry answering these questions: What is important about this story? What does this story say about the world? My life? How does this story intersect with my life? How would I change myself if I took this story seriously?
3. Share Time~ Volunteers will read their entry to the class
4. Wrap up
Homework~ Learning From Characters
Wednesday, April 23
Bell work~Word Puzzle & What is a cross-text-connetions?
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~"Making Cross-Text-Connections”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~Write an entry answering these questions: Which stories are you studying? Who are the authors? Who are the characters? What are the similarities/differences? What is/are the issue(s)? What is the message/meaning of the stories? How can these stories help me (the reader) change my life?
3. Share Time~Read entries aloud to the class
4. Wrap up
Homework~Text-to-Text Connections
Thursday, April 24th
Bell work~Word Puzzle & Rate how difficult is has been to make connections with the texts. Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ “Finding a Thesis Statement”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
3. Partner Sharing~Read your possible thesis statement to your partner. Then, volunteers will share with the class.
4. Wrap up
Homework~Crafting Theses Quickly Using a Template
Friday, April 25th
Bell work~Word Puzzle & Rate your difficulty or ease of writing your thesis statement. Explain why.
1. Today we will be going to the library to return, renew, and check out books.
2. Meeting Area Lesson~ “Testing a Thesis Statement”
2. Quiet reading, writing, and conferencing time
3. Partner Sharing~Check your partners thesis statement by reading it and asking the questions essayists ask of a thesis statement: Does it relate to both the 1st and 2nd halves of the text? How can you support this?
4. Wrap up
Monday, April 21st
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & Which character in our short stories can you relate to most? Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ “Developing Provocative Ideas, Part 2”
a. Writers will make personal connections with the text by answering the questions: What is important about this story? What does this story say about the world? My life? How does this story intersect with my life? How would I change myself if I took this story seriously?
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Write an entry answering the above questions
3. Partner Sharing~ Read and discuss (using the book talk format) the entries
4. Wrap up
Homework~ Learning From Characters
Tuesday, April 22nd
Bell work~ Word Puzzle & How hard or easy has it been to do your English homework lately? Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Continuation of “Developing Provocative Ideas, Part 2”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~ Choose a different story to write an entry answering these questions: What is important about this story? What does this story say about the world? My life? How does this story intersect with my life? How would I change myself if I took this story seriously?
3. Share Time~ Volunteers will read their entry to the class
4. Wrap up
Homework~ Learning From Characters
Wednesday, April 23
Bell work~Word Puzzle & What is a cross-text-connetions?
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~"Making Cross-Text-Connections”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time~Write an entry answering these questions: Which stories are you studying? Who are the authors? Who are the characters? What are the similarities/differences? What is/are the issue(s)? What is the message/meaning of the stories? How can these stories help me (the reader) change my life?
3. Share Time~Read entries aloud to the class
4. Wrap up
Homework~Text-to-Text Connections
Thursday, April 24th
Bell work~Word Puzzle & Rate how difficult is has been to make connections with the texts. Explain why.
1. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ “Finding a Thesis Statement”
2. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
3. Partner Sharing~Read your possible thesis statement to your partner. Then, volunteers will share with the class.
4. Wrap up
Homework~Crafting Theses Quickly Using a Template
Friday, April 25th
Bell work~Word Puzzle & Rate your difficulty or ease of writing your thesis statement. Explain why.
1. Today we will be going to the library to return, renew, and check out books.
2. Meeting Area Lesson~ “Testing a Thesis Statement”
2. Quiet reading, writing, and conferencing time
3. Partner Sharing~Check your partners thesis statement by reading it and asking the questions essayists ask of a thesis statement: Does it relate to both the 1st and 2nd halves of the text? How can you support this?
4. Wrap up