Mrs. Frazier's English Language Arts Class

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week of September 24, 2007

Monday, September 24

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Review how to get all the points for bell work.
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ "The Writer's Job in a Conference"
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~ Rate yourself 1-10: How easy was it to speak like a writer?
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry. 2) Answer the following questions in your homework notepad: What are you working on as a writer? What are you trying to do as a writer? What will you do today in your writing?

Tuesday, September 25

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Review the writer's job in a conference.
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ "Building Stories Step-by-Step"
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~ Explain how you build a story step-by-step.
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry.

Wednesday, September 26
Today students will take the Maze (Reading Comprehension) test.

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Review sequencing
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ "Choosing a Seed Idea"
3. Quiet writing/Conferencing time
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~ Which "seed idea" did you choose and why?
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry.

Thursday, September 27
Today students will be taking the AIMBS (reading) test.

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Review imagery
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Imagery Flipbook
3. Quiet work time
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry.

Friday, September 28
Today students will be taking the AIMBS (reading) test.
Reading log is due today.

Bell work~ Word Puzzle
1. Lesson~ Discuss main idea
2. Meeting Area Mini-lesson~ Choose your favorite passage
3. Quiet work time
4. Partner Sharing
5. Wrap up~

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week of September 17, 2007
Writers have been doing a wonderful job during our writer's workshop. However, many writers forgot to turn in their homework notepad last Friday. Since there is no school on Friday this week, the homework reading log and writing notepad is due on Thursday this week. Everyone should have completed a total of four written entries in their notebook by Wednesday night. Students will be evaluated on the following:

Volume: Four (4) Entries
Craft: Moved from list to entry (min. 1/2 page - 1 page)
Writing needs to be of small moments
Presentation: Date
Handwriting is clear
Heading (type of entry/writing)
Conventions: Ending punctuation
Begining and most capitalization
Complete sentences

Scale of 1-4:
4 = Exceeds Standards
3 = Meets Expectations
2 = Approaches Expectations
1 = Needs Support

Monday, September 17, 2007
Brainstorming Strategies: Place/Object
Bell Work~ What are the expectations for the "meeting area"?
Lesson~1. Write your writing partner's name on the inside of your notebook.
2. Meeting Area Minilesson~ "Starting the Writing Workshop" Ideas Strategy #2: Select a place, list small moment memories, choose one to sketch, then write about it. -OR- Strategy #3: Remember or notice an object, list your small moment memories about that object, then write about it.
3. Quiet writing/conference time.
4. Partner sharing/tips: 1)Expect to hear great writing. 2) Make connections 3) Make your partner feel good so they want to keep writing.
5. Wrap Up~ Rate 1 -10 with explanation. "How easy was it to sustain my quiet writing for 15 minutes?
Homework: 1) Read for 30 minutes and complete reading log entry. 2) Generate more ideas and write an entry (1 paragraph - 1 page long) in your notepad.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Author's Craft: "Shortcut" and "Big Mama's" by Donald Crews
Bell Work~ What are the writing partner expectations?
Lesson~1. Review writing entry expectations.
2. Meeting Area Minilesson~ "Starting the Writing Workshop" Qualities of Good Writing: Write a little seed story; not about a giant watermelon topic. Zoom in to tell the most important parts of the story.
3. Partner conference time: Identify and label ("seed or watermelon") each of your entries.
4. Quiet writing time: Write another entry.
5. Wrap Up~ Rate 1 -10 with explanation. "How easy was it to tell whether your entries were "seed ideas" or "watermelon topics"?
Homework: 1) Read 30 minutes and complete reading log. 2) Notice something, someone, or some event. Concentrate on the details. Pay attention to what you're thinking about and write about it in your notepad.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Imagery: "Mrs. Flowers" by Maya Angelou
Bell Work~ What assignments are due first thing tomorrow?
Lesson~1. Review "meeting area" expectations.
2. Meeting Area Minilesson~ "Reading Workshop" Imagery: Think-Pair-Share descriptive words related to our senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch).
3. Writers will listen to and read "Mrs. Flowers".
4. Then writers will discuss their responses to "Mrs. Flowers" and complete "Make the Connection" and "Quickwrite" on page 19.
5. Wrap Up~ Writers responses will be tallied using the "Four Corners" and pictures will be taken of each group.
Homework: 1) Read 30 minutes and complete reading log. 2) Sketch and write about a time when someone singled you out or made you feel that you were liked and respected for yourself. Be sure to include details and images. What sights, sounds, tastes, smells, or feelings do you associate with this experience?
Reminder: Due tomorrow!-Notepad with three nights of reading log entries and at least four total (small moment) writing entries.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Please attend our OPEN HOUSE from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Bell Work~ Complete self-evaluation in writer's notebok.
Lesson~1. Review brainstorming strategies learned so far.
2. Writers will re-read and take a quiz on "Mrs. Flowers" using the "Think-Pair-Share" structure. First complete quiz alone, then share your responses with your partner.
3. Correct quizes.
4. In pairs, writers will identify, list, and analyze the sensory images in "Mrs. Flowers" using a double entry journal.
5. Wrap Up~ Collect all work and clean up.
Homework due today: Notepad with three reading log entries this week and at least four small moment writing entries.

Friday, September 21, 2007
NO SCHOOL! Writers enjoy your long weekend but continue reading and writing. :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Welcome to the second week of school! I am so glad that you logged on to my blog. You will find current and up coming events, daily lesson plans, homework assignments, and other useful information. Please be sure to log on at least once a week to stay abreast of what is going on in our class.

Students will learn that Writer's Workshop follows a predictable routine.
Bell Work~ 5 minutes (Written response to word puzzle/topic/question on screen.)
Mini-Lesson~ 10 -12 minutes (Class gathers at the carpeted Meeting Area for a writer's lesson.) Quiet Writing Time~ 20 - 25 minutes (Writers return to small group tables to practice the strategy taught at the Meeting Area and write independently.)
Partner/Small Group Share~ 6 - 8 minutes (Writers share with partners.)
Clean Up~ 4 minutes (Writers assess themselves on their work for the day and the table leader returns all writer's notebooks to the proper crate.)

Monday, September 10, 2007
Bell Work~ What makes a good writing partner?
Lesson~ 1. Discuss expectations for writing partners.
2. Explain the complete writing workshop routine.
3. Meeting Area Minilesson~"Starting the Writing Workshop" Part 1. (List an important person and several small moment memories of that person.)
4. Students receive writer's notebooks and begin entries.
5. Wrap Up~ Rate yourself 1 - 10 and give an explanation for how well you used today's writing strategy.
Reminder: Homework notepad should be brought to class today.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bell Work~ What should you do to prepare for a test?
Lesson~1. Distribute writing partners. Review writing partner expectations.
2. Meeting Area Minilesson~ "Starting the Writing Workshop" Part 2. (Select a small moment memory, sketch events, then write about it.)
3. Quiet writing/conference time.
4. Wrap Up~ Rate 1 -10 with explanation. "How easy was it to sustain my quiet writing for 15 minutes?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Students will be taking the Reading EdPerformance test on laptops in our classroom. This test is very important because it will help to determine what level students are currently reading at. It will be one of the scores looked at to place students in elective classes for the rest of the year.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Students will continue/complete the EdPerformance test.

Friday, September 14, 2007
EdPerformance make up testing.
Weekly Reading Log (notepad) due today.

September 4, 2007 - September 7, 2007

We will be learning and practicing the routines and expectations. This year we will conduct class in a Writer's and Reader's Workshop format. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday each week, students will be engaged in writing. While on Thursday and Friday each week, students will be involved in literature that supports the writing that is being done that week.

Students are expected to read at least 30 minutes each night and document their reading Monday thru Thursday nights. Their reading log will be due every Friday.

Homework due Thursday, September 6, 2007

  1. Signed bottom portion of letter/class syllabus information. 1/2 credit given if turned in on Friday, September 7
  2. Pictures, stickers, clippings, memorabilia, etc. to decorate their writer's notebook in class.

Homework due Monday, September 10, 2007

Each student needs to have some sort of notepad that can be used for completing homework, examples include: 3-ring spiral notebook or yellow top bound notepad.