Mrs. Frazier's English Language Arts Class

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week of April 30th, 2007

Please note that our library is no longer available for use this school year. Preparations have begun to renovate the entire area. Students will be accessing some books through a rotating cart that will be placed in our classroom. Due to this change, students may need to go to the public library to do research &/or utilize some of the books there.

Monday (4/30/07) -
Students will finish watching the "Diary of Anne Frank" movie and comparing it to the play.
Homework: Write a thesis statement for your chosen topic. (Due tomorrow!)

Tuesday (5/1/07) -
Students will continue researching and gathering information for their papers using the laptop computers in class.
Hours 1, 4, & 5: A minimum of three sources must be used.
Homework: Three bibliography cards (1-magazine article, 2-encyclopedia article, & 3-book)
Hours 2 & 3: A minimum of five sources must be used.
Homework: Five bibliography cards (1-magazine article, 2-encyclopedia article, 3-book, 4-your choice, & 5-your choice)

Wednesday (5/2/07) -
We will discuss the evaluation criteria for the research paper and focus on writing note cards.
Students will need to complete note cards for each source answering the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions related to their topic.

Thursday (5/3/07) -
Students will engage in a lesson on how to write an outline.
Homework: Note cards are due tomorrow.

Friday (5/4/07) -
Students will engage in a lesson on writing an outline with note cards.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Week of April 23, 2007

Monday (4/23/07) -
Students will engage in a lesson on writing thesis statements, bibliography, and note cards.

Tuesday (4/24/07) -
Students will continue gathering information, write bibliography and note cards. Students will be using books in the library.
Homework: Write a (rough draft) thesis statement. This is due on Thursday!

Wednesday (4/25/07) -
Students will continue gathering information using the Internet databases in the computer lab and continue writing bibliography and note cards.
Homework: Complete Anne Frank Take Home TEST. This is due (tomorrow) Thursday! Students this is your time to show what you have learned about the Holocaust and Diary of Anne Frank. Good Luck! :)

Thursday (4/26/07) -
Students will watch the "Diary of Anne Frank" movie and compare it to the play.
Due Today: Anne Frank Test and Preliminary Thesis Statement

Friday (4/27/07) - 1/2 Day of School - Records Day
Students will continue watching the "Diary of Anne Frank" movie.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Week of April 16th, 2007

During the next several weeks we will be involved in writing a research paper. Although many days will be devoted to working on this paper in school, there will be additional work that will need to be completed at home. In order to be successful, students will need to be extremely mindful of their time management and organization skills. We will be devoting class time to instruction on topic selection, thesis statements, note taking, outlines, foot/end notes, and bibliographies, as well as, writing in the classroom and computer lab. There may be a need to go to the public library for additional resources.

Monday (4/16/07) -
We will continue reading, taking notes, and discussing the "Diary of Anne Frank".

Tuesday (4/17/07) -
We will begin an introduction to writing research papers, organization, and choosing a topic.

Wednesday (4/18/07) -
Students will choose a subject and narrow it down to a more specific topic to be researched. Class will be conducted in the library today.

Thursday (4/19/07) -
Students will begin gathering information for their research paper using the laptop computers.

Friday (4/20/07) -
We will continue watching the "Diary of Anne Frank" movie.
Week of April 9th, 2007

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Spring Break. :)
As I said before the break, we have alot to accomplish in the next three weeks. We are going to be conducting some research while continuing to read, write about, and discuss the "Diary of Anne Frank". Each class will begin with writing a journal entry related to the Holocaust.

Monday (4/9/07) -
Students will review by completing workbook pages 110 & 111. Then, continue reading the "Diary of Anne Frank".
1st, 4th, & 5th hours - Students will take notes on the elements of drama (characters, crisis, conflict, complications, climax, and resolution) in the play.
2nd & 3rd hours - Students will take notes on mood, food, entertainment, danger, and acts of kindness for each act and scene in the play.

Tuesday (4/10/07) -
We will begin our research paper process with an introduction to research, papers, organization, and choosing a topic. Class will be conducted in the library.

Wednesday (4/11/07) -
Students will begin to browes thorough the resources available in the library and on the library internet links. Then, they will chose their research topic. Class will be conducted in the library.

Thursday (4/12/07) -
We will continue reading, taking notes, and discussing the "Diary of Anne Frank".

Friday (4/13/07) -
Students will begin to watch the "Diary of Anne Frank" movie.