I apologize to anyone who tried to reach me this past week. I was out on bereavement leave due to the passing of my grandfather.
Week of November 20th
(Due to a short week, the schedule of activities is: Monday-Writing Workshop, Tuesday-Reading Workshop, and Wednesday-Independent Reading.)
Monday (11/20/06)-
Students will analyze, evaluate, create, and discuss rubrics. They will work with the following kinds of rubrics: substitute evaluation of the class, turning in an assignment, and locker clean out.
Tuesday (11/21/06) -
Students will read and listen to the audio of the Treasure of Lemon Brown. Then complete the workbook pages for the story.
Wednesday (11/22/06) - Half day, P.M. Schedule
Students will engage in independent reading.
Thursday & Friday - NO School! Enjoy your Holiday Break! :)
Week of November 20th
(Due to a short week, the schedule of activities is: Monday-Writing Workshop, Tuesday-Reading Workshop, and Wednesday-Independent Reading.)
Monday (11/20/06)-
Students will analyze, evaluate, create, and discuss rubrics. They will work with the following kinds of rubrics: substitute evaluation of the class, turning in an assignment, and locker clean out.
Tuesday (11/21/06) -
Students will read and listen to the audio of the Treasure of Lemon Brown. Then complete the workbook pages for the story.
Wednesday (11/22/06) - Half day, P.M. Schedule
Students will engage in independent reading.
Thursday & Friday - NO School! Enjoy your Holiday Break! :)
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
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